
How Do You Know When To Repaint Your House?

Taking due care of your home including routine upkeep of interior and exterior paints is one of the vital things you can do to keep up your property’s value. With time and regular exposure to natural weather elements, it’s likely for house paints to undergo natural degradation and you may often come across telltale signs of paint damage such as leakage, bubbles or peeling paint. Cracks or bubbles in paint can adversely impact the visual appeal of your property and overburden your pocket with hefty dollars. If you don’t want to end up with any of these circumstances, watch out for these major signs of paint damage and take immediate measures before things turn out worse.

Paint Looking Dull & Outdated

Peeling, cracking and bubbles are major indications that the paint was applied incorrectly in the first place or paint has succumbed to the underlying elements. Bubbles also indicate the presence of mould on walls and if they are not treated on time by residential painters in Perth, your paint will start peeling off the surface walls and give rise to bigger problems such as leakage. If you gradually notice discolouration in your house paint, consider opting for a residential painting job to restore your walls to their former glory.

Paint is Fading at a Premature Stage

Fading paint can make your home look shabby and ruin the visual aesthetics of your property. You may consider repainting your home when you notice walls losing its lustre or not looking vibrant like when it was originally painted. Dark paints will fade quickly than lighter hues and being a homeowner, you need to keep a close watch on the health of your paint to avoid major structural damage to walls.

Mild Cracks in Caulking

If the exterior caulking of your house has cracked due to continuous exposure to weather elements, it can be an alarming sign that your paint has lost its elasticity and it’s time to upgrade the paint job. If cracks in caulking are left untreated for months, it will gradually become hardened and peel off the surface, thereby make your home look dull and outdated. The best way to deal with cracked caulking is to hire professionals offering residential painting in Perth and get them treated at the earliest.

Formation of Mould & Mildews in Paint

Mould and mildews are prime culprits behind deteriorating paint and affect areas which are damp and poorly ventilated. Painting over mould can simply instigate the formation of mould underneath the fresh coats and will compel you to opt for a repainting job early than the expected time. Although frequent repainting your property by painters in Perth may seem to be a time-consuming and costly endeavour, however, it can make a huge difference when it comes to improving the quality of living and help you derive long-term benefits in future.

At Pete The Painter Perth, our team comprises of skilled, accredited and professional residential painters in Perth who have solid trade experience and boost the curb appeal of your property with flawless paint coats at affordable prices. If you want to restore the former glory of your walls with premium paint application, get in touch with us today and ask for a FREE QUOTE instantly!